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Heligods - The International RC Helicopter Forum

Learn to Fly 3d RC Helicopters

This re-enforces the damage that can be caused by high powered RC helicopters... I am not sure of the size heli or when this happened. If anyone has any doubt about the damage an RC Heli can cause then please watch this - it may change your mind or even possibly help prevent serious injury.

Please be aware this is pretty gruesome. No deaths thank goodness but a nasty cut.
Looking for a new airframe
Whats out there dudes?

Align can take a long walk off a short pier and im not keen on a Protos

What else exists that can cop a flogging without blowing a TT gear in flight?
Question? Riddle Of The Day!
Riddle of the day... an easy one i think

I am a horseman from medieval times and and carry a weapon.
I am becoming more popular now but cost quite a bit.

What RC Helicopter thing am I?
Ok people what are you thoughts on Compass heli's , does anyone here own one or would they buy one?
The Atom 550 ultimate caught my eye as did the Warp 360 ....
Question? Riddle Of The Day
Many pro pilots use me. I am a kids toy. What am I? you wont get this one... ha ha ha ha....
I bought a new plane today instead of a helicopter. I know I fock*ed up bad.
Hi there

I setted up my Gpro yesterday. Everything worked fine. After a break i wanted to have a look at the parameter menu. As i plugged in the RX pack again there was zero reaction of the Gpro anymore. Damn..

Anyway, I asked Align directly, sent a mail to a known contact person in Taiwan. Still got no answer. I called my RC dealer and they told me that 3 of 6 units have been sent back for replacement. They allready know the problem. So I will get a new one soon.

@feral if Im right I red somewhere in a thread that you have written your buddy has burned 3 units. How did...
Okay my next focus is to do pogo piroflips... Does anyone know of a good movie showing this trick?

    About Us

    Just like you, Heligods staff are regular everyday fliers. Join our forum and participate in what will become the worlds greatest rc helicopter forum..


    A big thank you to the following people who helped us put together this site:

    Pope Francis

    Deli Lama

    George Bush

    Gene Simmons (aka Crash)