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For a couple of days heli direct has 10% off...

Check it out

Yes, you read that correctly! Watch as Avant Factory Test Pilot Jason Bell beats on a factory model of the Mostro 700 and then his own model. Yep, that is how it’s done! Enjoy the test flight vid everyone.

Jason Bell testing the Avant Mostro

Click here to view the embedded video.

Jason Bell testing the new Avant Mostro High-Performance Helicopter.
Filmed in two locations. Nevada at the secret Area-51 Avant Test field and in California...
Here is great news from our friends at Esprit Model. As anticipated the Jeti Duplex DS-14 Radio System is a go. Continue on to read the press release, get details the link to read all about the DS-14 and to place your pre-order. But remember, the pre-order introductory price ends soon, so hurry!

Jeti USA Press Release!!!

April 23, 2014 at 11:00 EST the Federal Communication Commission and Industry Canada, Granted Equipment Authorization (FCC), and Certificate of Acceptance (IC) to Jeti USA (Esprit Model Inc.) for Duplex DS-14 Radio System....
Well, last year I messed up big time with my 700. I failed to tape the servo connectors into the V-bar. I was doing a loop and one of the heli gods unplugged two of my servos. The bird did a perfect tail slide from 200' into the ground. This was a re-kit crash. I've learned my lesson now, and I'll not do that again.
Hello all, my name is Mark. I've been flying for a couple of years (and crashing) now. The Heli Gods have been both good and bad to me. The birds I fly are: MCPX, Tarot 450 (formerly the most expensive 450 clone), Align 500, Rush 700. All three of my bigger birds are using V-bar.

Does that look like mostro boom made into sinister flute

Hope this is not a prophecy
Haven't heard much from you oh sweet one you must be feeling a bit
Under the weather. No pun intended. Your mood swings have been so erattic
this week the weather is all over the place one day good the next so bad
what can we do to make you feel good oh sweet one. Just tell us for we are at
your mersey.
Due to Crash Heligod, I have to find another set of blades for my 550. I don't want to go smaller than 550. Any one have a spare set of aligns, edges or rails they want to offload?
What's Goin on with the AFF bon fire camp out roast on the spit
night flying heli extravaganza???????????? Huh huh
Just asking

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    Just like you, Heligods staff are regular everyday fliers. Join our forum and participate in what will become the worlds greatest rc helicopter forum..


    A big thank you to the following people who helped us put together this site:

    Pope Francis

    Deli Lama

    George Bush

    Gene Simmons (aka Crash)