VLOG number 2 now up @MRCHC 3rd June 2017. This vlog capture and sees Ben maiden his new logo 700, remaiden his goblin 380 with 24tooth pinion and test out his 380 at 3450 headspeed, and play around with his monster gobline 770. I fly my e7se and conduct a post mortem on my auto'ed down save and perform some rather smooth looking inverted tail down funnels and nice looking piroflips. Ian flies his logo 600 and with an assisting spoter practices some large fig 8s at speed. Stay tuned VLog 3 coming very soon capturing MRCHC funfly held 4th June and lots of flights captured!!! Please leave some comments or subscribe... would love to know what you think of the videos and what youd like to see more of or less of. Enjoy and stay safe!
Frekin AWESOME video Nabil. Got me some popcorn, chromecast to the teli and thoroughly enjoyed it! I like the intro - short and sharp (cant stand long video intros). Well done!