Gartt Gt 700 Dfc (same As Assault) Stretched To 800

Discussion in 'HobyKing' started by utrinque, Oct 18, 2014.

By utrinque on Oct 18, 2014 at 5:35 PM
  1. utrinque

    utrinque Well-Known Member

    Jul 19, 2014
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    I fly this beast since January. In ten months I crashed it only once. It prooved to be very reliable heli with some Align parts. If you type in Google "Gartt 800" you will find whole story of this project. Now I can do rainbows and tic-tocs with this 800.

    I am not the only one. My friend Benji after reading my thread on Polish forum also built 800 based on Assault 700 kit. He also flown it for months without issues. Actually idea to stretch it to 800 was mine but Benji was first to maiden it with 800mm blades.

    Idea was simple. Get cheap frame. Put $30 Align stretch kit including longer boom, TT and tail push rod.

    I am using 4.2kW Gartt 700 motor and it is strong enough. Lately Gartt released stronger 4.5kW motor for just $50.

    I was able to get this kit for $175 without canopy directly from Gartt. I ended up with four airframes. Two of them are now 800s and flying, one is flying with 700mm blades and one I keep in the box as a source of spare parts.

    Those who said it is Chinese shiz were wrong. Actually NMB bearings used by Gartt are excellent.

    To make this clone kit as good as Align you have to replace only swash plate and main gear.

    In 800 I have more Align parts for piece of mind.

    All is described in my earlier thread on HF. There you'll find photos, videos, whole story in details. In want to move my story from HF to HeliGods because I do appreciate your great attitude and open mindness.

    Actually my thread on HF was second most often viewed thread in 800 electric subforum. Not many pilots wrote in my thread but many were following my story.

    Greetings from Poland to all HeliGods "community".

    I do not have any issues with this bird so probably this thread will be quite silent. If anything happens I will update and share my thoughts. I plan to fly it again tomorrow. Today weather is not nice. I love to fly it in strong winds but rain, cloudy and cold weather make me hesitate. Many hundreds of flights it already survived. I am quite confident it will survive next year.

    My friend Benji with his 800:

    Interesting interview with cosmologist:
    She is exceptional. Worth to listen to this interview.
    Last edited: May 6, 2015


Discussion in 'HobyKing' started by utrinque, Oct 18, 2014.

    1. HungryHungryHippos

      HungryHungryHippos Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      LOL ^ _ ^

      This is what I absolutely love about you.

      You never fail to show us the cost benefits of HobbyKing products.

      In my opinion, the glorious forum moderators would benefit from your insights. After all, hobby king is their site sponsor.

      They dont know what they are missing out on, check out this super awesome combo, anyone sponsored by hobby king should be proud to fly this, especially the Archeli forum moderators.

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    2. Fredo

      Fredo Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      Totally agree with your post HH. Could it also be because of HK on Arc that now not a single Aussie retailer now sponsors or advertises on Arc Heli ?
    3. Busher

      Busher Member

      Dec 8, 2014
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      The levels of brand snobbery and the absolute rejection of anything other than mainstream is quite amazing.

      The heli pictured above would serve any club heli flier well if built correctly and flown in an appropriate manner.

      My other helis are mainstream and have all the trappings of brand snobbery in comparison they are expensive items, if the assault lets me down I will have learnt a lesson but looking at the build I reckon it may just do the job.

      You are to a point somewhat correct the more money you spend the more chance of success you have, but that's not to say that fun can't be had with the cheaper end of the modelling sphere, I appreciate the finer things but also like to tinker with the other end.
      As with all other threads on this site regarding assault / gartt or similar it returns to bad rep and finishes anything constructive.
      I had a great day out at the field yesterday evening, my aircraft flew well and I met with like minded individuals, this should be remembered whatever we do.

      Enough said

      Have a great day out at the field
    4. simon

      simon Well-Known Member

      Mar 19, 2014
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      Like what you fly, fly what you like...

      "Enough Said"
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    5. HeliGod Father

      HeliGod Father Administrator Staff Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      Let it be said that all rc helicopters have their good points. And the bad points? we let @Crash Heligod sort those out. All helicopters are a thing of beauty.... and as @simon says - fly what you like - like what you fly! Very wise and true words. Provided we dont discredit our heli-brothers helicopters, all is fine as we all see things in the helicopters that we own that no 0ne else can appreciate.
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    6. Geena

      Geena Well-Known Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      Wise words from our beloved @HeliGod Father. :)
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    7. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      New video 142mph = 228km/h

      And another one:
      Last edited: May 18, 2015
    8. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Very nice.... Quite fast indeed!
    9. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      One more:
    10. marcust

      marcust Member

      May 5, 2014
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      I think its great that you can put together a solid 800 like Utrinque has, and it really shows how much heli you can get for your dollar these days. I don't think that saying this is better than that is very productive because ppl have their own view and this whole thing is a hobby where we just want to have some fun.

      You can compare the whole situation to cars, you can drive a $100 bomb or a $1million dollar car, they both crash the same and still get you from A to B. The fancy car will make you feel better about yourself if you are that was inclined, but if you are a driver ( or in the case of our hobby a pilot ) it wont make much of a difference which car you drive, because the challenge will be to get the most out the airframe or car that you are piloting at the time.

      I have a similar experience to Utrinque as I flew a lipo powered flying wing for 10 years straight, replaced many servos, burnt our many $15 hobby king motors and recovered the wing many times, the plane was even stuck 20m up in a poplar tree for 6 weeks with me waiting for the wind to blow it down ( finally got it ). For me the most enjoyment was stuffing around, trying different setups and generally having alot of fun flying as the airframe was so low cost and bounced off the ground so well that I had the courage to try many things the regular flyers at my old flying didn't even have a go at.

      Funniest thing was going back to my old flying club after 5 years and flying the same plane 20 mins straight doing inverted circuits 1m from the ground and got laughs because I was still flying the same airframe. At the end of the day if finances are limited, having a go and seeing what performance you can get from the lower cost 0ptions would certainly be alot of fun and not too may tears if the whole thing goes up in flames, alot less pain than having an expensive model going up in flames.
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    11. HeliGod Father

      HeliGod Father Administrator Staff Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      Simply amazing what has been achieved with the Assault. Well done Helibrethren..
    12. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      Thank you.

      I got few Align 700/800 swash plates on eBay for $30 each. Now I see Goblin 380 small plastic swash leveler for $19.

      My 700 and 800 are FBL I do not even bother to perfectly level my swashes. Kbar does the job once I am in the air. I did not experience any problems with take off nor landing ever.

      Is this piece of plastic reasonably priced? Just rethoric question. ;)

      Last edited: May 19, 2015
    13. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      Regarding Gartt 800 I ordered night main and tail blades. Delivery expected on Thursday.

      Today I was planning night flights with Emil. He has Magic blades and wants to maiden them. It was raining today so we go Tomorrow.

      I want to fly stretched HK600GT with 700mm blades with LEDs first:

      Last edited: May 27, 2015
    14. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      This was stupid crash. Lipo hit the blade.
    15. marcust

      marcust Member

      May 5, 2014
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      crash heligod must have had a chuckle.. Did you get to fly the Magic blades ??
      I'm guessing they will be much more visible in the sky...
    16. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      Gartt 800 did not crash.

      Emil was flying Magic Blades. They are cute.

      Last edited by a moderator: Jun 3, 2015
    17. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      For two or three last flights with non stretched Gartt 700 I noticed strange noise. First I eliminated vertical play of motor. Than I noticed one of front umbrella gears is missing one tooth.

      Probably tail blades hit the stone or my last landing in autorotation from high altitude was not perfect.

      Anyway good news is it works with tooth missing. Bad sound was the only symptom.

      Replacement went smooth and I will check the sound next time I fly it.

      I did not replace umbrella gear in 800 for over a year.
      Last edited: Jun 3, 2015
    18. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      New power plant for 800 ordered:

      Scorpion HK4525-520KV Ultimate

      Price was a bergain 399 PLN, around 108 USD.


      "This motor is capable of running continuously at an input power of 4450 watts at 100 amps, and can handle peak inputs of 10200 watts and 230 amps for 2 seconds"

      We will see... how it compares to Gartt 4.2kW

      Update: Emil was flying this motor Today for the first time. He told me Align 800MX rewound by our expert Danielus seems to have more power than this Scorpion.

      In this thread you can check his awesome "hand jobs":


      One more personal observation. As all Scorpions I have this one is little lighter than Gartt motor but gets very hot fast.

      Good news is it does not require rewinding! Wires are very thick out of facto. It can mean better cooling, less resistance, more power... I have still some boubts considering PWM creates DC currents of high frequency which means skin effect can be relevant:
      Last edited: Jun 5, 2015
    19. utrinque

      utrinque Well-Known Member

      Jul 19, 2014
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      I had wonderful weather today for flying.

      Yesterday I returned from the field after 1am. Around 20 pilots with girls and women gathered to set fire, burn some sausages, listen to the music, fly at night, smoke Egyptian shisha. Awesome warm night with friends. Party lasted till 4am I suppose.





      OK so 800 was flying again at night. I am not very happy with Czech MS Composit 800 mm night blades with LEDs but MS Composit is great and offered replacement with FBL version! Thumbs up! MS Composit! I have some problems at higher RPM in idle 2. Today I replaced them with 790mm Align blades and problems are gone. My conclusion is this is definitely related to the blades. At lower RPM night blades work fine.

      In the "morning" I conducted next successful emergency autorotation with 800. One of three cables from ESC to the motor disconected during the flight. My fault I should fix this connection better, but it worked fine for over the year.

      When I fixed this problem I wanted to test fly 800. When connecting lipos small cable to the SBEC broke. I was very lucky it did not happen during the flight. Imagine loosing control of 800 in flight... SBEC is powering all avionics.

      I am so happy I avoided heavy crash TWICE today. I promise to inspect my helis carefully now.

      It was painless lesson. I hope readers will get right conclusions. Safety first... always!
      Last edited: Jun 6, 2015
    20. Busher

      Busher Member

      Dec 8, 2014
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      Looks like your having a ball out there:) looks great, I haven't had chance to fly for months so I'm dead jealous :confused:

      Time to revisit all your connectors if there failing on you, have you considered a back up to the sbec say an optipower ultragaurd or similar buffer pack.

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