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Heligods - The International RC Helicopter Forum

Learn to Fly 3d RC Helicopters

Guys I am selling my Hitec Aurora9 Transmitter. Currently it is set-up mode 2 but change be changed to mode1. Comes with Receivers | x2 Optima9 | x1 Optima 6 | Minima6E also comes with the manual. This radio has some great features like touch screen, telemetry, mode changeable, switch assignably.

Asking $250.00 posted in AUS

As Edge are coming to there end and becoming harder to get a hold of, I am thinking about using rail blades. What are thoughts and why?

- T-Rex 700 DFC HV
- Silverline V-Bar Pro
- Rail Main + Tail Blades
- KDE Tail Upgrade
- 2 x Scorpion 5000mAh 12S sticks (one battery has a funky cell, otherwise both are <= 50 flights)
- 1 x ThunderPower 3800mAh Flight pack
- 2 x Spektrum DSMX Satellites
- Spare (original) blades + Boom
- RC Booyah Canopy Mounts
- Misc Parts


Hey Guys...

Love the work you've put in to the new site. I'm looking forwards to seeing the new community flourish. So glad someone finally put up an Australian RC Heli site that won't be subject to constant and unnecessary interference by annoying and out-of-touch mods... Just sayin' =)
My Pre-flight checks come after 3-4 flights. Last week after 3-4 flights i found a floating servo horn(no screw). The gods must have been in my favour. Forgive me please my deity.:(
Easy site to use site... nice.. i like it, looking forward to getting to know a few people ..
Why oh why are there so many issues with the tail stopping mid flight on my helicopter. I have change MB i have changed the tail motor a few times, but for some reason at random intervals the tail just.... stops. Drives me NUTS. If it were not for the tail issue i would fly the shiz out of this heilicopter... Anyone got some suggestions or fixes?

    About Us

    Just like you, Heligods staff are regular everyday fliers. Join our forum and participate in what will become the worlds greatest rc helicopter forum..


    A big thank you to the following people who helped us put together this site:

    Pope Francis

    Deli Lama

    George Bush

    Gene Simmons (aka Crash)