Question? Pp V4 Gov Store

Discussion in 'HobbyWing Esc's' started by joeclone, Apr 27, 2016.

By joeclone on Apr 27, 2016 at 12:58 AM
  1. joeclone

    joeclone Active Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Ok I'm new to the HW PP series of esc, got one for my Devil 380 and now trying to learn how to get it working right. I've been reading through the PP v4 manual and will be going with Gov store but having some trouble trying to understand whats this rpm standardization about? Yeah I know how to set it, 50% throttle curve, mid stick zero pitch, 15 seconds....blah blah. But I need to know what actually does it do?


Discussion in 'HobbyWing Esc's' started by joeclone, Apr 27, 2016.

    1. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      So here is what you need to do..
      * fully charge you packs
      * program the ESC to use Gov store...
      * THE VERY NEXT TIME YOU PLUG in you batteries, you need to spool the heli up to 50% thottle 0 degree pitch.. and then wait 11 seconds AFTER the spool up time... I count to 30 to make sure
      * Power down

      What this does is teached the ESC what the HS range it.. this means that it will give a constant HS at the same throttle independant of Battery .. a new pack at 70% throttle might give you 2000rpm. A sad and dying pack may give you 1900 at the same throttle.

      Its the same as the YGE normal Gov and Store Gov.
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    2. joeclone

      joeclone Active Member

      Feb 3, 2016
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      Yea thanks for the explain @Manyc , I figured it was something like the yge ( and yep clones) but was wondering about the flat 50% TC. For the YGE it's recommended to do it in 100% to get the best baseline results.
      On the PP have anyone tried rpm standardizing with a 80 or even 100% TC?
    3. joeclone

      joeclone Active Member

      Feb 3, 2016
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      Anyone got pics of the PP internals? Interested to see what makes it tick.
    4. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      I would not do this.. as its logic it to work it out at double that standard rate.. I think if you went higher it would cause issues,. as it would think it had head room which it doesnt have, and then there goes you gov, if not letting out the magic smoke.

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