Introducing The New Lil’ Draganflyer Nano Quadrotor Rtf 2.4 Ghz Rc Electric Helicopter

Discussion in 'Industry News' started by The Informer, Oct 31, 2015.

By The Informer on Oct 31, 2015 at 12:46 PM
  1. The Informer

    The Informer Administrator

    Aug 23, 2014
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    The Lil’ Draganflyer Nano Quadrotor is the newest and smallest Lil’ Draganflyer to date. Its smaller size makes it perfect for flying indoors. With three gyros and three accellerometers for stabilization, the Lil’ Draganflyer Nano is an ideal beginner 4 channel Ready to Fly 2.4GHz electric helicopter. Fun to use indoors and outdoors! The Lil’ Draganflyer Nano has flight characteristics similar to its bigger brothers, the Lil’ Draganflyer Plus and Lil’ Draganflyer Micro. With electronic flight stabilization, the Lil’ Draganflyer Nano offers unsurpassed stability and incredible control. The 2.4GHz digital proportional four channel remote control insures strong, glitch free performance. Because of its extra small size, the Lil’ Draganflyer Nano is the ideal quadrotor helicopter to fly indoors, but is also powerful enough to fly in mild wind outdoors.

    The Lil’ Draganflyer Nano comes 100% assembled and Ready to Fly right out of the box with no assembly required.

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Discussion in 'Industry News' started by The Informer, Oct 31, 2015.

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