Question? Drones Holding Up Aircraft Over London - Anyone Else Suspicious?

Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by smakmeharder, Dec 23, 2018.

By smakmeharder on Dec 23, 2018 at 9:24 PM
  1. smakmeharder

    smakmeharder Administrator

    Mar 3, 2014
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    Aircraft were grounded for days because a rogue drone was randomly flying near Gatwick Airport. I for one am a little suspicious (CONSPIRACIES dom dom....) I would like to raise this question - just to see what other people think as well. Firstly, what would motivate someone to do this kind of thing? I really cant see an obvious reason for the average person or drone enthusiast being so silly. For starters you could end up in serious trouble and be fined many thousands. And what are you going to achieve? It just doesn't make sense.

    Now on the other hand, i can see the Government bodies, the military and many other organizations being very Anti Drone. Drones have the potential to cause many issues - in the hands of the wrong people of course. So just maybe this was a setup to create public uproar in order to convince the public and politicians to pass legislation to have tighter control over drones - and perhaps even ban them from public purchase altogether. What do you think?

    Here is the article....

    : British authorities have named a married couple arrested on suspicion of wreaking havoc with a drone at Gatwick Airport, forcing hundreds of planes to be grounded or diverted and delaying tens of thousands of holiday travellers.

    Henry Smith, a member of parliament whose constituency includes Gatwick Airport, said law enforcement officials identified the two as Paul Gait, 47, and his wife Elaine Kirk, 54, from Crawley, a town just south of the airport.

    Elaine Kirk and Paul Gait, the couple arrested over the flying of a drone over Gatwick airport, near London, last week.Credit:Facebook

    The couple are suspected of disrupting civil aviation services and endangering people or operations — offences that carry a maximum sentence of life imprisonment, according to police. They had not been been formally charged and were still in custody on Sunday.
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Discussion in 'The Chat Room' started by smakmeharder, Dec 23, 2018.

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