Definitive 130x Trouble Shooting Guide

Discussion in 'Blade Heli's' started by Fredo, Jun 30, 2014.

By Fredo on Jun 30, 2014 at 8:30 AM
  1. Fredo

    Fredo Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2014
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    Buzzing tail - Shows up as severe vertical fin vibration. I have found that the tail grip shaft from the manufacture is not square to the shaft . If you have V blocks handy its easy to see as you just hang the tail blade shaft on the blocks and it will hang crocked .
    Sorry guys I ####ed up . This applies on the 130x and not on the MCPXBL . Forgive me.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2014


Discussion in 'Blade Heli's' started by Fredo, Jun 30, 2014.

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