Info Cgy 750 Version 1.40 Flight Tuning..

Discussion in 'Futaba CGY750 FBL System' started by The Dude, May 9, 2014.

By The Dude on May 9, 2014 at 4:05 PM
  1. The Dude

    The Dude Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2014
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    Ok, So i just updated the cgy 750 on the Mini p.. one word , NICE.. Feels very linear now, nice and tight and the heli flows really well thru rolls and flips and is so smooth on tick toc's..

    One thing .. Just an fyi for anyone sles..

    I had aileron shudders in rolls, clearly to much gain, I got rid of my aileron shudders, To do this i had to drop the Stab.Gn down from 5 to 3.. Under the flight tuning menu, So take note you might have to do the same on a 450 size.



Discussion in 'Futaba CGY750 FBL System' started by The Dude, May 9, 2014.

    1. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      Ok after The Dude upgraded my fbl unit to 1.4 and adjusted some settings in the cgy 750, I can only comment with the following:

      I personally like my heli to be loose but responsive. If I move my sticks I want my Heli to move at exactly the same time at preferably the same rate.. Well I must say I was blown away with the feel. The helicopter felt very responsive but very controlled. Awesome!

      The hovers were phenomenal... The day was perfect so maybe this had something to do with it as well.

      Piroflips were the best i have ever felt. The prio felt controlled yet flowing. It appears that the phasing issues reported have been sorted out.

      Straight line flying was also very good. No surprises during fast pitch pumps

      Overall I am extremely happy with version 1.4. I never realized that there were issues until the upgrade.

      If you have a cgy 750, upgrade it to 1.4. It makes a huge difference to an already very good Gyro.

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