To Fly Or Not To Fly.... That Is The Question

Discussion in 'Sermons' started by HeliGod Father, Oct 20, 2014.

By HeliGod Father on Oct 20, 2014 at 9:57 PM
  1. HeliGod Father

    HeliGod Father Administrator Staff Member

    Mar 26, 2014
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    Dear Heli Brethren.

    How often do you frequent your sacred heli field/club and end up piking out because....

    • Its too windy
    • Its too hot
    • Its too cold
    • I have a hangover

    Well Heli-Brethren i take it upon myself to try and educate you somewhat. Every minute you spend at the heli-field not flying is another precious flying minute lost. Sure its fine to take breaks in between flights - but for heligod fathers sake please at least attempt to fly at least once.... You wont regret it as another flight had is another flight you may never have had. So please next time you are at the field and you don't feel like flying? Just do yourself a favor, grab that heli by the mainshaft and just perform some easy figure 8s or practice some basic skills. Not every flight has to be a balls to the walls smak fest. Find some time to re-connect with your heli when you dont think you should....
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Discussion in 'Sermons' started by HeliGod Father, Oct 20, 2014.

    1. Captain

      Captain Active Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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      Usually the 4th point puts me out. But thank you Farther for your wisdom.
    2. HeliGod Father

      HeliGod Father Administrator Staff Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      One possible solution to counter option four @Captain . Deep inhalation of the holy nitro fuel. This will re-invigorate the heli soul. Either that or buy an MCPX-BL and keep drinking and flying. Your unlikely to kill yourself that way....
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    3. Manyc

      Manyc Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      I will generally fly regardless of the weather.. but when the wind is blowing and everyone is packing up.. .and you just have gone through a battery ejection.. I decided to call it a day... but hell I'll fly as long as I can see the heli, and its not raining...
    4. Geena

      Geena Well-Known Member

      Apr 1, 2014
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      I never go to the field and not fly. I could never disappoint the HeliGods by doing that. So I always get at least a couple flights in. As far as conditions go... I was designed and built for tropical weather, so heat is never a factor for me. Wind bothered me in the beginning, when I was learning to hover. But now, I`ll fly in very windy conditions. In 2012, I attended a fun fly which was happening on the same weekend that a hurricane (Hurricane Sandy) was passing a couple hundred miles off our coast. The wind was blowing at a solid 22mph and we were hard at it and having a great time. It can definitely get cold enough to make me consider not flying, but I put on my big girl panties and get out there anyway. I don`t drink, (I don`t even know what alcohol tastes like) so no hangovers here. The only thing that has cut my day of flying short so far.....(and this has only happened to me once) was running out of the holy nitro. THAT....will never happen again, as I have learned my lesson, and gained knowledge from my mistake. I have since started bringing a whole case of the holy nitro with me every time I go to the field. I also bring three helicopters each time I go to the field. That way, if @Crash Heligod pays me a visit....I can pull out another helicopter and get back to it. :)
    5. HeliGod Father

      HeliGod Father Administrator Staff Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      You are truly a Heli Warrior @Geena. Dedication, tenacity and talent = world class pilot. From day one we were blessed to have you as a member...That also applies to many other of our Heli-brethren as well. You will go far and every video you submit shows massive improvement!
    6. HeliGod Father

      HeliGod Father Administrator Staff Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      @Manyc from all reports you to are becoming a chosen one destined for heli-enlightenment. The tenacity to fly in conditions others wont fly in - and to fly flight after flight can only lead to one conclusion!
    7. feral

      feral Well-Known Member

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Ive been loosing the bug hard.
      Go to the field and couldnt even be bothered taking them out of they're bags but Hopefully a new heli or 2 will fix that
    8. HeliGod Father

      HeliGod Father Administrator Staff Member

      Mar 26, 2014
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      Seriously @feral, it must be the time of the year or the weather as several hardcores have reported the same. But as sure as night turns to day the situation will change. Its just a lull - I promise. For some reason this time of year tests many people. Persist with non-stressful stuff, find the joy - there is plenty to be had. Remember you have mastered one of the most difficult things in the world. Its no simple task to reach the level you have obtained. Mix with more heli-brethren and remember the heligods funfly is coming up at the end of November..
    9. Crashnburn420

      Crashnburn420 New Member

      Oct 25, 2014
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      I like when it's windy at my club. All the plank guys leave when a mild wind starts blowing.
    10. smakmeharder

      smakmeharder Administrator

      Mar 3, 2014
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      When its windy, helicopters still work so long as your experienced. Its more psychological than anything else.
    11. Mark Mickels

      Mark Mickels Well-Known Member

      Apr 26, 2014
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      I usually pick up when it gets too crashy at the field. I don't want to get any of that on me.

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