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Heligods - The International RC Helicopter Forum

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Sometimes things just keep getting better. The @HeliGod Father is under the illusion that storm is here to help him.... muah ha ha ha ... we know better dont we @Storm Heligod . Well batten down the hatches because now I can crash more helicopters than ever before! Welcome back @Storm Heligod we have much work to do!...
Storm is back my Heli Brethren. It is with great pleasure i announce this as i know that storm works in favor of the side of good and just. The weather will always be good now I have storm on the side of right!

WOW.. What an event. So tired after today, its been a great funfly with lots of fun, smaking, and general heli chat. So proud of everyone who participated. Crash heligod showed up several times, crash minion as well - Huge giveaways and to top it off a spectacular night fly at the end of it all. We will post some pics soon!
After slight hiccup AFF is up and running again. We are leaving the old field behind and starting a fresh at our new location. Our new site is just next door to the old location and features an improved layout with additional flying space and a Southern outlook which greatly improves visibility when flying.

Thanks to the hard work from members yesterday, the majority of the clubs infrastructure is already in place and so the field can be used while we put the final touches on the location

hey guys just wondering if anyone can tell me what it means when the vbar light is flickering, but still cycling through the colors? is it stuffed or just a setup issue
Club News Welcome Newbies
Notice to all newbies wishing to fly at my private field in Hallam Victoria
You do” NOT “have to join any club to obtain MAAA insurance
It’s a simple process and ill inform you of the details when and if required. Unfortunately this does not apply to previous MAAA affiliate members, but perhaps in the future this will change.
Applications who wish to register to use my private field will begin Monday 1st December 2014. Remember applicants must apply in person.
Regards Fredo
Hallam Hobbies
Happy Thanksgiving to all who are celebrating the holiday by eating and drinking until you are in a food induced coma. This is my favorite holiday!
Scorpion is pleased to announce thier new Scorpion HK-4535-450Kv – PAW EDITION Providing warmth, food and hope to puppies, Scorpion has decided to use the revenue from your purchase on HK-4535-450Kv to support homeless pets to find a warm home today! This HK-4535-450Kv is the only 14 poles design on HK-45 Series Motors. It provides 7% more […]

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Sinner I Confess.
I run Align straps, Hobbyking connectors and Turnigy packs in a TDR.


    About Us

    Just like you, Heligods staff are regular everyday fliers. Join our forum and participate in what will become the worlds greatest rc helicopter forum..


    A big thank you to the following people who helped us put together this site:

    Pope Francis

    Deli Lama

    George Bush

    Gene Simmons (aka Crash)