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Heligods - The International RC Helicopter Forum

Learn to Fly 3d RC Helicopters

This in my opinion is possibly one of the best flights to music ever...

Vendor Notice - Mad4heli Cyclone
Mad Mike here!
I am proud to announce that Mad 4 Heli. Is the new distributor for cyclone blades.
I would like to thank Jeff Bradley for all his hard work in bringing cyclone blades to Australia.
Mad 4 heli will be taking over were Jeff left off. The blades will be available at 3 retail outlets on the east coast of Australia.
Zen RC
RC Crew
I am expected to receive the first shipment in a couple of weeks time. From here on in it is my goal to maintain a constant supply.
For anyone that has not flown them Cyclone blades, will be sponsoring fun fly's around Australia. were we...
Anyone tried one of these?!kiii-esc/c1acj

Looks like it has some impressive specs...

KingKong III Pro 200A HV (Order Num.: 200A-KIII Pro-HV)

Input Voltage: 4S-14S Lipo Cells

Continuous Current (Surge): 200A (250A)


Programmability: HiFei USB Linker,HiFei Software V5.0, HiFei WiFi dongle (sold separately)

Data Logger: yes

Dimension: 100mmx57mmx23mm (3.93''x2.24''x0.90'')

Weight: 198g
Saw this doing the rounds on the internet. Thought it might be of some interest. Sorry but it did not come out that good.

Well I don't know for sure if this is true but @MickyD alerted me to this article. It looks legit...

Basically it states that if you own your house you are not obliged to pay rates according to the Australian Constitution... Thoughts?
Was great to see this new competition come to the BMFA Nationals. Very entertaining for those watching to see the skills of the pilots. I captured some of the action. Enjoy!

This was the biggest competition event of the year covering all aspects of RC modelling and including a lot of Heli action. I captured the action for a good part of the day at the Heli line and will be sharing the vid on this thread. Comments welcome.

Kicking off with Steve Roberts flying a super smooth F3C schedule


    About Us

    Just like you, Heligods staff are regular everyday fliers. Join our forum and participate in what will become the worlds greatest rc helicopter forum..


    A big thank you to the following people who helped us put together this site:

    Pope Francis

    Deli Lama

    George Bush

    Gene Simmons (aka Crash)